Thursday, April 2, 2009

Meet The Class

Hey there and welcome to the class 1M blog! To find out more about our class continue reading and be sure to leave a comment to help us upgrade our blog! Below is a class picture of us.

Seated (from left):Tan Yu Yan, Cheah Jia Foun, Saran Raaj, Nishan (monitor), En. Helmi, Lau Toh Feng (assistant monitor), Vishnu, Mohamad Zarif Iskandar, Tan Ze Zheng.

1st row: Kathiresan, Edmund Go, Isaac Soong, Muhammad Hakimi, Lin Kai-Rong Jason, Chang Yi Khuan, Khoo Wen Qiang, Ikhwan Eusof, Muhammad Afdhal Khan, Muhammad Syamil, Muhammad Aidil.

2nd row: Chan Pei Keong, Saw Shi Shan, Phang Wai Loong, Tan Yong Han, Liew Hao Yuan, Diong Yu Xuan, Chai Ming Wei, Chia Wai Kit, Yap Lay Soon, Ng Kiet Quan.

3rd row: Seong Chee Ken, Syareel Azwan, Muhammad Akmal, Lim Jun Kit, Fam Han Jun, Foo Mun Kit, Tristen Quek, Jason Ong, Khong Ling Soong

Class teacher

In every class there is a teacheer in charge.No matter if its a boy teacher or girl teacher, there will always be one. For our class, our teacher is En. Helmi. Continue reading for more bout him.

Name: Muhammad Helmi
D.O.B: 9 February 1983
Student comments:A cool and also fun to be with teacher. He always is there for us and explains, explains and explains until everyone understands. Might be strict at some times like when we didn't complete our homework but still he's a cool guy.
Favourite quote: Class!!!

Class Exco

In every class there is a group of students who help carry out duties for the teachers. These group of students are called the class EXCO. Our class EXCO includes of a monitor, assistant monitor, treasurer, cleanliness chairman and assistant cleanliness chairman. To find out more about them keep on reading ;)

The class monitor of our class is Nishan. This mischievious looking ex-treasurer of the class and also money addict *laughs* does his job with much determination. He never stops trying. He enjoys listening to pop and rock music. Given the nickname 'BOSS' by one of the students because he always acts like one =P
The handsome little devil above is is the class assistant monitor, Lau Toh Feng. This ex-monitor (until he quit) enjoys listening to music and is a die-hard David Archuleta fan. He was given the name 'emo kid' by his classmates because of how he acts and how he talks in class.

This fella on the other hand is the ex-assistant monitor now treasurer of the class. He enjoys playing football and playing tennis. A huge fan of Chelsea and also Elvis Presley. He is given the name 'Meletup' because of his answer in his previous Moral exam.

This proud boy above is the cleanliness chairman. His name is Saran Raaj. A hardcore addict of msn, friendster, facebook and anything that has to do with computers. He is a fan of football and also badminton. He enjoys listening to any kind of songs (as long as it isn't too loud). He is given the nickname 'Mr.Tidy' because of his post and also his appearence.

This macho boy above is the assistant cleanliness chairman of the class, Zarif. Enjoys singing and acting funny. He is also the class joker and always make the students laugh. He is given the name nickname 'sleepy head' because he tends to sleep in class sometimes
So thats about all for the class EXCO hope you like it =)

School Exco

Every school has got to have a school headmaster and senior assistants. No matter what type of school it is, there has got to be one. For our school in the other hand is ...
Meet our school headmaster, Mr. Wong Chee Kheon. He is in charge of making the school tick. He is also a nice guy but when it comes to studies, he believes that it should be number 1.
As for our senior assistant, her name is Pn. Majinah. She helps our school headmaster to run the school.

Our senior assistant of student affairs is, Pn. Gan. She is in charge of making sure the students are at their tip-top behavior.

Lastly is our senior assistant of co-curricular activities, Mr. Chin. He is in charge of the co-curricular activities going on around the school. He is a very nice guy and also very serious when it comes to studies.
So thats all for our school EXCO.

Teachers and Subjects

Among the subjects that we have are...
  • Bahasa Melayu (Cant really put any info about this subject into the blog cause our teacher didn't give us his picture.)
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Komsas
  • Literature
  • Kemahiran hidup
  • Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan
  • Agama dan Moral
  • Literasi Komputer
  • Pendidikan Seni Visual
  • Sejarah
  • Geografi

To find out more about this subjects keep on reading ;) (some of the subjects might not have because we are not sure who our new teacher is yet =P)


We have our KH lesson every Monday and Friday. During KH time we will move to the KH room. Our class will be combined with the 1E class during this lesson. After combinng the 2 classes, we will be seperated into 3 groups. Each group has a different teacher. For group 1, the teacher is En. Romeli, group 2 is Cikgu Faridah whereas for group 3 is Cikgu Adi. We couldn't get a hold of this teachers pics so sorry for the inconveniance =P


The teacher who teaches us English and PJK is named Mr. Yip. We have our English class every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Whereas for PJK, we have it on Tuesday. Our teacher might look strict but actually he's a fun guy to be with. He might be playful at times but when its time for him to be serious he will be serious.

Meet our BI and PJK teacher, Mr. Yip


Our Literasi Komputer teacher is Cikgu Rosmawar. We have our lesson every Tuesday. We ususally either go to the Makmal Multimidea 1 or Makmal Multimidea 2 for our lesson. Her number one rule in every lesson is to pay attention during class.

Meet our LK teacher, Cikgu Rosmawar.
A playful teacher but extremely serious when it comes to studies. This is definetely one teacher that you will one to be serious when she teaches.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


We have our Sejarah class every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We will each need 1 soft cover note book, 2 exercise books and most importantly the Sejarah textbook. The teacher which teaches us sejarah is Pn. Nuraini. A kind teacher who is very serious when it comes to study.

Meet our Sejarah teacher, Pn. Nuraini


We have our AM lesson every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. During the AM lesson all the Muslim students will move to the Agama room which is located above the KH room whereas the non-muslims, will remain in the class. The teachers are.....

D.O.B. : unknown
Moral: Cikgu Sharmila
D.O.B. :18/9/1981

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Maths lessons on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. A cool and also fun to be with teacher. He always is there for us and explains, explains and explains until everyone understands. Might be strict at some times like when we didn't complete our homework but still he's a cool guy.
Meet our Maths and class teacher, En.Helmi
D.O.B. : 9 February 1983
The books we use for our Maths lesson


We have our Science lesson on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. He always makes our Science lesson fun so we can concentrate even better. When we have double periods we wil go to the Science lab to do some experiments.
Meet our Science teacher, En. Khairul Amri
D.O.B: 25 May 1979
The books used for our science lesson.


So we have our Geography lesson every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Our Geography teacher Pn. Lee is always very punctual to our class. Among her rules are:
  • Wrap your Geography books
  • Paste your picture in the front cover of the Geography book
  • Paste a mini envelope in the back page of the Geography note book to put the Geography Excersice book.
  • Those who want to talk have to come in front and teach
Meet our Geography teacher, Pn.Lee

The books used for our Geography lesson.

Monday, March 30, 2009

History of MBSSKL

MBSKL was founded by Rev. Dr. William T. Kensett, a naval officer of the Royal Navy battleship HMS Orion. In July 1897, he had the desire to set up a church and school for the Tamils in Kuala Lumpur and he left the British Navy. A shophouse was soon secured at the corner of Batu Road and Java Street, and the predominantly Tamil school was named the Anglo-Tamil School.
In 1904, the school moved to its current premises on Petaling Hill and the Anglo-Tamil School was re-named the Methodist Boys’ School Kuala Lumpur by Rev William E Horley,the name used until this day.
In 1954, the 1st Kuala Lumpur Boys’ Brigade Company was set up in the School by Mr. Khoo Oon Soo and Mr. R.A. Allen. After the first few years, 1st KL shifted to the Wesley Church just next door to the school, and used the Church premises as its’ meeting place. The 1st Kuala Lumpur Boys’ Brigade Company is the 3rd oldest company in Malaysia, and is well known for its’ history in Band, Footdrill and Talent Time competition results at National Level. The Company has also produced a fine collection of President’s Men and Founder’s Men, as well as two Queen’s Men.
In 1958, the school was divided into the Secondary School (MBSSKL) and the Primary School (MBPSKL)in accordance with the new Education Policy of the country.
In its natural geography, Petaling Hill, on which MBS now stands, the school overlooks one of the oldest business sections of Kuala Lumpur which consists of many of the oldest Chinese business establishments.
The reason for Rev Horley in choosing this site for the Wesley Church, the parsonage and the school was not different from other pioneer missionaries who chose sites for church, school and living quarters in other parts of the country. It was to be close to the community whom they wanted to serve, but yet sufficiently removed to have the quiet serenity for school and church to function and the incumbent pastor who used to also head the school, to dwell in peace.
It is not surprising that as the country developed and as towns became cities, churches and schools which were once at the fringes of towns, are now engulfed in the midst of city centres.
In the hundred years of its existence MBSKL has more than fulfilled its role in providing education and nurture for those who passed through the portals. Numbered among the former students are successful citizens in all walks of life and professions. It is quite impossible to enumerate or name each one of them simply because they are far too many and there is no record of the progress and achievements of students who have left the school.
The school’s traditional rivals are the Victoria Institution and St. John’s Institution, as the two institutions together with MBSKL are generally known as the top 3 boys’ institutions in Kuala Lumpur. This friendly rivalry existed way back in the three schools’ history, not only on the sports field but also academic and extracurricular pursuits.
MBS, while retaining high qualities of education,has kept the school gates always open to the community and students from all backgrounds have walked through it doors. This policy of openness has resulted in a colourful history for the school.
The MBSSKL school’s bell is the oldest existing school bell in Kuala Lumpur which dated back to 1923.It is mounted in a special tower located at the Reading Corner.The school bell is now a whopping 85 years old!
On 21st July 2008, the school celebrated its 111th Birthday at the school’s premises. The event was organised by the Archive Prefects. A quiz session was held about the school’s colourful history on that day.

School Mission and Vission

MBSSKL will strive to be a
a premier school
that provides
world class education
MBSSKL will seek excellence
in the training of the young to become
honest, courteus and forward-looking
citizens, marching purposefully
in tune with the progress of our nation

School Song


Go forward MBS,

Filled with courage fine,

With your colours flying,

We will cheer you all the time,

And so you go forward MBS,

On to the victory,

Work for the fame,

Of our fair name,

Forward we must play the game.


Majulah MBS,

Penuh azam baru,

Dengan semangat waja,

Kita menjulangkan namamu,

Majulah MBS,

Raih kejayaan,

Harumkan nama selalu,

Kekalkan keunggulan.